Trainings in Rhode Island

Worker Centered & Community focused.



Guided by Principles, Focused on Outcomes

 We believe that family child care providers possess deep wisdom, experience, and assets —which is why we believe they should be decision-makers regarding program and policy decisions.

We are worker centered in all that we do —this means all trainings are designed and centered around the needs of providers. Our promise is to harness the inherent insights and knowledge providers have and to support them along the way. Workers are integral to our mission as they not only help inform the design of our policies and programs, but also aid in the facilitation of trainings to their peers.

SEIU-ESF Training Programs are guided by four fundamental principles:


Focused on Healthy Outcomes for Children and Families. We believe that all children deserve high quality early care and learning experiences. All trainings and technical assistance will be designed to ensure that providers have the tools they need to continuously improve outcomes for children.


Culturally Responsive. We believe that the training and professional development experience for providers will be most effective and relevant if we listen to and celebrate their lived experiences. The majority of facilitators will be Spanish-speaking and all trainings will be facilitated in both English and Spanish.


Application of Theory into Practice. We believe that providers will learn best through doing. We will bring together research and practice experts to ensure a well-rounded context for learning. We will prioritize the demonstration of best practices through modeling and the sharing of resources.


High Expectations and High Support. We believe that providers will do well if they have clear and high expectations, reduction of structural barriers, and multiple layers and modalities of support. We will utilize a relational-based approach to learning, coaching, and mentoring to create a cohesive web of support for providers.


"Being part of the Juntos Podemos class, I gained knowledge as a child care provider and even more as a person. I gained the knowledge of how to interact productively with another person and how to respect even more, since each one of us is unique and, as such, we deserve unique treatment.“ - Alexandra




 Want to Learn about Upcoming Opportunities?

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Register for Childcare Trainings in Rhode Island 

We send out a monthly newsletter to all CCAP Family Child Care Providers in RI. This newsletter announces all upcoming trainings.

NOTE: To register, each person needs their own email. If you don't have your own email, please call Jax Cañola at 513-453-6252 for help registering.

Race & Development

Dates: May 14 (Tuesday) & May 16 (Thursday)

Time: 6:30pm - 9:00pm

Language: English

Location: Virtual - Zoom

Instructor: Laura Tanzy with the Imagine Institute

Description: During this five-hour course, participants will learn the importance of race in the social and emotional development on children and how an environment that celebrates and promotes uniqueness helps children thrive.

PD Hours: 5

**This training IS OPEN to family child care providers & full-time/regular assistants.

**Note: Our trainings are only open to CCAP-licensed home-based family child care educators.

Pediatric CPR/First Aid

Dates: June 15 (Saturdays)

Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm

Language: English/Spanish

Location: SEIU District 1199NE (319 Broadway, Providence, RI 02909)

Description: During this three-hour session, participants will learn the skills required to be certified in Pediatric CPR/First Aid.

**This training IS OPEN to full-time/regular assistants.

**This training is NOT OPEN to emergency assistants.

**Note: Our trainings are only open to CCAP-licensed home-based family child care educators.
